Dit zijn de afstanden die er per dag gefietst zijn. Dag 4 was de rustdag.Dag 5 en 6 waren de dagen dat we rond hebben gereden in de Veluwe zonder bagage.

Day 3 : Hot hills
The next morning the camping owner was present so we could pay.

Dew in the morning
When we left it was again super hot, if it continued like this we would end up looking as burned as the first time we cycled here. After three days we finally got into a good cycling vacation rhythm and, perhaps counterintuitively, I felt rested a bit more. We passed the birth house of Jeanne d'Arc where we had stopped last time to take pictures.
Because of the heat my lip started cracking. The same had happened two years ago before our friends Stefan and Bojan had given me their lip balm sunscreen stick. I owned that but had left it at home because it took up too much space. It hurt when I ate anything sour, salty, hard, or sugary, so basically all the time. It did save 5 grams of weight though [Bart: but his lip was 10 grams heavier].
Bart was hungry, but unfortunately there was not a village in sight. Instead, we just took a break in the shade. A while later we arrived in Langres, where we bought food.

Doing groceries
We arrived at our campsite in Villegusien sur Lac in the evening. One of the employees looked at my pedometers but didn't seem surprised when he saw we had cycled 160 km. It turned out there were three more people on cycling vacation there. One was a Chinese guy with a small tent. The other two were around 25 years old, carried a real tent, a hat against the sun, and were making sports drink. How could they ever feel real cycling-vacation-feeling with all that luxury? Although it was already dark, we decided to eat some before bed so we wouldn't be as hungry in the morning.
When we were lying in our bivy bags a few people walked by to admire them and even take pictures. I don't think they realized we were already inside.
Distance cycled : 159 km.