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Dit zijn de afstanden die er per dag gefietst zijn. Dag 4 was de rustdag.Dag 5 en 6 waren de dagen dat we rond hebben gereden in de Veluwe zonder bagage.
Glacier Peak Wilderness - Day 10
In the morning we immediately needed to start climbing again. We reached another pass after a few hours. The view was amazing. We looked out over multiple glaciers and huge mountains and there were again several marmots to keep us company.

Then it was time for a very long descent toward a small horse ranch and parking lot, another 15 km away. The trail just kept going and going. We were pretty tired even though our backpacks were relatively light this far into the hike. Horses apparently came up this trail regularly as there was much poop everywhere. The area was also very dry and the trail consisted of a thick layer of dry loose sand that covered us completely. After eating dust for a long time we passed through an area that was particularly bad. There had clearly been a forest fire there a few years ago.

We passed several hikers going up the mountain. Most were carrying guns. They told us the hunting season started the following day. We were happy we would be gone by then. Around 16:00 we decided to stop, otherwise we would just end up at the parking lot when it was getting dark. Diane wanted to try pitching my tent at least once, so below you can see her in action. When we were making dinner, two men that we had seen going up the mountain earlier joined us. Apparently one had received foot surgery recently and they had decided to turn around because he was in pain.
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