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Haute Route - Day 9

The sun was out again in the morning. We filled our bottles with water and headed out on quite an easy trail toward the other end of the lake. The views were great, and there were many cows. At the end of the lake we started yet another long climb. The area was very dry, and we were getting scorched by the sun. After several hours of climbing, we ran out of water just before one of the steepest parts of the route. Fortunately, there were some snow patches, so I filled our water bladder with snow just in case. The route became steeper and steeper and for the last few hundred meters before the top we had to use chains bolted into the mountainside.

The view from the top was one of the best yet. In the far distance, we could see the end of the Haute Route, the Matterhorn. My backpack had been hurting my shoulder for a while, and I noticed one of the straps had torn clean off. Fortunately, it was very light by now and we were almost at the end of our trip. 

The descent that followed seemed extremely long. After a while we passed a river which we used to fill our bottles. After several hours in the heat, we finally reached a village, which marked the end of this year's hike. We planned to finish the second half of the Haute Route during a separate trip. 

My dad had walked up part of the mountain and was waiting for us. Together we walked further down toward a nice campsite. We were glad we had made it and had some time to rest before our flight home. In the evening, we went out to dinner in a nearby restaurant. Coincidentally, the men from the night before were also there. They had taken a different route and a bus ride. 

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