Dit zijn de afstanden die er per dag gefietst zijn. Dag 4 was de rustdag.Dag 5 en 6 waren de dagen dat we rond hebben gereden in de Veluwe zonder bagage.

Norway Summer - Day 9 : Snow
To my great surprise and delight the sun was shining when I woke up. Drying my socks in my sleeping bag liner had worked pretty well, but as my shoes were still wet it didn't make much difference. My sleeping bag now also smelled even worse. It was increasingly feeling cold at night, perhaps because I was getting tired. Today would be tough. After packing and eating breakfast I started walking. Soon I reached a nice valley, but the weather started to get worse. I passed a few people but would later deviate from the popular route.

At a lake, I needed to steeply climb up a mountain slope. This route was much more remote and clearly harder. I needed to climb from rock to rock, which was difficult because of the thick layers of snow. My socks quickly got wet again. On top were a few frozen lakes and more snow. This part was the toughest, but also one of the pretties of my vacation. After the top, the descent was less steep but still difficult because of the snow. It was really beautiful, but too cold to stop for long periods of time. I carried some warmer clothes, but those would have been too hot to walk in.

After the descent I reached a very long valley with a nice view over a glacier. It was again wet and muddy everywhere. Eventually I ended up 5 km south of Gjendesheim, which is where I had planned to start my hike. It was also the start of Besseggen, a route that all the tourists came to walk. It was still pretty quiet in the area I was in, only in the evening I met 2 people walking in the opposite direction. I was slowly starting to get tired after all the days of hiking, but that was to be expected.