Dit zijn de afstanden die er per dag gefietst zijn. Dag 4 was de rustdag.Dag 5 en 6 waren de dagen dat we rond hebben gereden in de Veluwe zonder bagage.

South Greenland - Day 15 : Jellyfish
In the morning my legs were filled with lactic acid, but I did had a good night of sleep. First, I needed to eat breakfast and pack everything. While doing the dishes I suddenly noticed a bunch of jellyfish swimming around. There were at least 10 grey ones and one slightly larger red one. It was nice to see those in the wild.

It was time to get going. I needed to walk along the shore, but there was no beach, the hills just ended into a cliff that dropped into the ocean. As a result I continuously needed to climb up and down trying to find a way forward. This was already hard to begin with, but after a while the shrubs got increasingly higher. For several kilometers I needed to beat my way uphill. That was ridiculously tough and slow going. After two hours I crossed the mountain ridge and descended into the adjacent fjord. In 3 hours I had walked only 6 km. The next section would likely be a bit easier and then the red route would pass into an even easier blue one.

Because of the easier route I still managed to cover some distance. I was on the nearly flat peninsula on which Qaqortoq lies and the views were still pretty. Despite the warm weather there were only a few mosquitoes. There were a kind of mini horse flies which landed just next to my watch or sleeves and then slowly started to bite a hole in my skin. That didn't feel great and at the end of the day I had about 20 small wounds on my arms. By the time they had eaten enough to break my skin they kept coming back to the same spot.

During the last section of the day I was really tired and spend more time resting than walking, but I still managed to reach a nice daily distance. I pitched my tent besides an emergency cabin with a nice view over the ocean. It still was 8-9 km to Qaqortoq, which should be doable in 3 hours. There I would have a quick look around and buy some fresh food before heading back. The first day of the return trip would be along the same path as I was on then. Then there would follow about 4 days with some more height difference, over what I expected would be a very nice route passed some monuments. I decided to eat as much as possible and go to bed early.

"Fresh" pasta expired more than a year ago