Dit zijn de afstanden die er per dag gefietst zijn. Dag 4 was de rustdag.Dag 5 en 6 waren de dagen dat we rond hebben gereden in de Veluwe zonder bagage.

Corsica - Day 1
Monday afternoon I graduated. Wednesday morning my alarm went off at 4:15 to leave towards Schiphol airport. I was looking forward to the trip, but also could have used a break from all the excitement. My mom brought me to the train station. from which I travelled to Amsterdam. During my flights to Iceland I had experienced every possible type of problem. This time my flight was again delayed, but fortunately not cancelled. Upon arriving in Lyon in France I took a second flight to Ajaccio in Corsica. The airport there was really small, but there was a bus driving to the city center.


After all the problems I had in Iceland I hadn't brought my (empty) petrol stove on the plane, but the disadvantage was that I now needed to find a gas canister. After searching literally every store in Ajaccio I eventually found one in a construction market. Now I had everything I needed, I just needed to reach the start of the GR20 route. The bus driving there only went once a day and had left 55 minutes ago. I knew that was the case, but simply couldn't leave without gas. I found a campsite on top of a hill and went to bed early. I would have to wake up early the next day to catch the bus.